Do Something That Scares You in 2011

We all want to get outside more. Research shows that those who spend time exercising outdoors are less likely to drop out of their routine compared with those who exercise in doors.

A new year, a new you!
Let 2011 be the year that gets you out of your comfort bubble and try something new. Here are a couple of ideas to get you off to a green start.
Do your body good on the inside and out. If you’ve never done it before, consider trying out a cleanse or detox program. You don’t have to go Master Cleanse crazy, just try it for one day and see how it feels.

Try your hand at making your own cosmetics. It’s so easy and so fun and makes you feel like a kid again. Start off with something simple, like a sugar scrub.
Take advantage of technology. There are so many apps out there that help make green living a lot easier. They’re super fun to use too!
Find a way to do something meaningful. There truly is something to be said about the joy of giving, whether it be your time, ideas or financially. Nowadays there are so many ways to giveback you’re sure to find something that resonates with you.
What will you do in 2011 that scares you?

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